“Hurt People, Hurt People has been a slogan used forever. Inspired by society & culture in these dark times. Double goes back to his roots using Shooting range silhouettes & aerosol as the paintings background layering. Being that the target is actually aiming at the viewers opens the conversation to anyone can become a target at anytime or anyplace. Each letter was hand carved using a technique and style that not only portrays a realistic view that allows Doublelar the ability to manipulate any form of mix media. Continuing to persevering history through cinema to using a authentic revolver to spell & provoke thought through visual imagery. Items from Water bottles, Book covers, DVD covers, Exotic leathers, Medicine packaging, Banknotes & other valuable recycled materials. When observing this particular piece, always remember that pain is pass through words, actions & images. So be careful whom you might hurt for it could come back to you in ways you never expect pain could exist.
24 x 36