Using no paint on his latest hologram, Doublelar is back using the bottom row to fully symbolize how pain & medication go hand & hand. From sports to relationships. Each letter is hand carved and layered using various materials, the message is simple. No matter how much pain we go through in real life or the meta verse. You will always see a reflection of yourself once you face the truth 👁 in front of the Sculptures hologram “ Yourself “
#Art #Artlife #ArtWork #ArtCollectors #ArtGallery #Aluminum #Vinyl #TylerPerry #Playboy #Thejoker #Comics #Pills #Basketball #Football #Hydrocortisone #Tesla #ElonMusk #Facebook #MarkZuckerberg #Books #PamelaAnderson #Temptation #DoubleLar #BlackArtist #Houston #Metaverse #Collage #Sustainability #Awareness #ContemporaryArt